Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Feast Nyadran

In Indonesia especially in Java Ruwah month (Javanese calendar) there is a tradition called Ruwatan. The forms can be either clean ruwatan Village, village or other Ruwah. In Sidoarjo, precisely in Balongdowo village, subdistrict Candi, there is a tradition that people make every month, Ruwah full moon.
This tradition is called Nyadran, Nyadran are common to the fishing village Balongdowo kupang as an expression of gratitude to Allah SWT. Establish a demonstration of party activities in the sea Nyadran take kupang Madura Strait. Select a different way from the sea in Banyuwangi, Larungan in Blitar or Labunan in Malang, then Nyadran in Sidoarjo has its own characteristics. Nyadran activities conducted by community Balongdowo kupang livelihood as fishermen, on the afternoon of that very busy with party preparations although the peak of his show ceremony at midnight.
Men, women all doing great and small in accordance with their respective duties, there is a boat decorating, installing a sound system and so on. Especially the mothers do to prepare meals that will be brought to the ceremony in the Madura Strait Nyadran party (Sidoarjo east coast) and prepare Sajen. Sajen preparing roast chicken, rice, bananas, and cake are included in Tomblok. This activity lasted until preparation for the afternoon feast that followed in every fisherman's house kupang.
At night along the river and it was very crowded Balongdowo village full of people and street vendors from both local residents and outside the District Candi, so it sounds frenzied dance accompanied the teens on the boat.
Interestingly despite the afternoon rain began to not be a barrier for the visitors of the night even more crowded to witness the departure of the convoy to a party boat at sea Nyadran Madura Strait. Departure depends on the state of river water. At around 02:00. At low tide, a boat procession started out.
The journey begins from the Subdistrict Balongdowo 12 km distance Candi. Towards Kepetingan hamlet, village Sawohan, District Buduran. The atmosphere enjoyable trip despite the bone-cold winter night accompanied by rain. Only the lights of the boat and spotlight petromak flashlight to guide the way. In such an atmosphere does not stop young people dancing on the boat did not seem to feel the chill of the night.
It traveled across the river village Balongdowo, Klurak times pecabean, hugging Kedung and Kepetingan (Sawohan). Public doubts about the airport to welcome departure times ditepian Balongdowo ship convoy with enthusiasm and life. This suggests that nyadran get sympathy from the public's attention in the District of Candi in particular, the community. Balongdowo and surrounding villages.
When a convoy of boats to the mouth of a boat carrying a toddler throwing Pecabean times chicken. Perhaps the first story there are people who attend Nyadran to bring the child and the child they have. Therefore to avoid this Balongdowo community believe that by throwing a chicken that is still alive to Pecabean times the little boy who followed nyadran will be spared from the trans / disaster. At around. 16:30. Participants convoy of ships arriving in the hamlet Kepetingan Sawohan. Group participants directly to the tomb of the goddess nyadran Sekardadu to hold a meal together. While waiting for the dawn, participants Nyadran hajj, alms, and prayed at the tomb so that the blessings continue to flow. According to folklore Balongdowo Sekardadu Goddess is the daughter of King Blambangan named Minak Sembuyu that at the time of death to be the "Achilles fish" that's the reason why the village is called Kepetingan. But people often refer to Hamlet Ketingan.
After the tomb Goddess Sekardadu, about 07.00 WIB. Boat towards the straits of Madura which is about 3 km. This trip was quite interesting for people who have never followed a party at the left and right nyadran as boat filled with mangrove trees that adorn the panoramic sunrise. Frequently encountered herons fly disturbed by the roar of boat engines. Not previously imagined the depth of Sidoarjo east coast is shallow enough so that children can go down the sea only to shower or go try to find kupang.
Another atmosphere that adds to the splendor of the demonstration is taking kupang children with rotating boat - while dancing around as if it did not feel tired. To the mothers and children diligently prepared lunch from home when he saw people dancing teens and boating to the sea, accompanied by sea breezes.
Quite impressive when viewed from a distance of twenty dozens of colorful boats back and forth on the high seas, no one looked hard all the fun, dancing, partying and eating together on the boat. That is what is called Nyadran Balongdowo community.
Around 10:00 am. The procession of boats began leaving the Madura Strait. Then they returned to the Village Balongdowo. All the way home that many people lined the banks of the river to welcome the convoy arrived. They ask for blessings / food brought by the participants in the hope that nyadran blessed.
After nyadran quite fun and memorable party, many of nyadran this activity can be developed as a tourist attraction in the district of Sidoarjo. For example, the disposal of chicken Pilgrimage, Goddess Sekardadu to the tomb, mangrove forest scenery and bathing in the sea while looking kupang.
Actually there is a process of party nyadran the "Melarung cone" This process is carried out in the estuary / Clangap (Balongdowo meeting between the rivers, streams Candi, and Sidoarjo river) processes performed when there is a party or a fisherman kupang Nyadran has Nadar / appointment. This tourism potential if developed and packaged well is unlikely to be able to increase revenue. If this can happen then this is the first marine tourism in Sidoarjo.

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